
New interviews ! Etc... 

Hello everyone! 

We hope you are all doing well. 

Just a quick note to let you know that we are both working very hard towards our current project and mission of helping children in need. We started by teaming up with the amazing team of people at the “Florida Keys Children Shelter”. It is a true honor to start this action here with them because this is where we live. Ultimately, we are aiming to take this project worldwide. It is unfortunately much needed.

We feel any little help goes a long way…….

A few weeks ago we were invited by Key West TV host, Kit, on his highly popular chat show “ Sit with Kit”.

You can watch this episode right here: 


Also, another interview has just been released today about “In the Key of West” children's charity project. 

This article will be easy to read for our  French speakers followers and fans because…it is… in French!

Please just click the link below to read it:

More news to come soon here…. In the meantime, we are looking forward to seeing you all this weekend as we are performing live at “SandBar”, Islamorada, this Friday night. The show starts at 5.30 pm, with the presence of legendary radio host: Doug Hitchcock from radio SUN 100.3 FM. That will be so much fun!-:)

Saturday night we will be performing live at “the pilot” house starting at 5 pm.

Let's all have a fantastic week-end for honoring and mourning all the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, from 1868 to 1970.

Much love and beats to you all. 

Chris x and Ric x




The two final short episodes of "Behind-the-scenes" series! 

Hello beautiful people!

Here we are… Today  we can finally the last two episodes of the “behind-the-scenes” series

It's a little bonus because today is the day!!!

The "In the Key of West” music video is now officially OUT for the world to see!

We’ll be post it for you in a separate blog because after all this wait…We feel it deserves a post 

of its own-:)

We hope you enjoy these last short episodes. Episode 9 part 2 was shot at the “Islamorada fish 

company", Islamorada. We have been performing on their beautiful beach where the sun is King and

 where the sunset is always outstanding. We have always loved playing there surrounded by this 

incredibly splendid nature and by all kinds of wildlife such as pelicans, laughing seagulls, nurse 

sharks, tarpons, yellow snappers, and so on…

We decided on this beautiful natural setting to be the narrative arc of the music video. 

Episode 10, the last episode of the series, features the children of Coral Shores High School in 

Plantation Key. They all were amazing and excited to participate and contribute to the charity 

effort in their own way! Recording their voices was pure joy for us all, it was also much fun! 

We love these wonderful young people-:)


We thank you all for watching and supporting this project.

Beats and much love!

Chris x and Ric x 



If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


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Behind the scenes- day 9 part 2- of filming "in the key of West" music video. 

Hello wonderful people!

How are you all doing? 

We wanted to share with you all today two of the last 4 "behind-the-scenes"  episodes left of filming “in the Key to West".  The global release of the music video is this Friday, March 1st!

Today is a lucky day! We are sharing 2 episodes because now the release is just around the corner-

Episode day 8 part 2 takes place at the “Island grill”. That’s where it all started for us in the Florida Keys, where we had the joy of having there our very first regular gig. Please watch the episode for more info about this part! Nevertheless, the “island grill” is now also as you know, hosting monthly the highly popular full moon party of the upper Keys. Please watch the episode for more info about this part!

Episode 9 part 1 was shot at “Conch Republic Divers”, famous for being the friendliest dive shop in the Keys! It is so true as Ashley and her team are amazing human beings. A diving experience with them is always one to remember!


We surely hope you will enjoy watching these 2 episodes and we thank you so much for your support in all that we do; thank you as well for all the love and kindness you always bless us with.

Beats and much love to you all! 

Chris x and Ric x




If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


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Behind the scenes filming "In the key of West" Music video. episode 8 part 1: The moorings, Islamorada, FL. 

Dear friends,

We hope this email finds you well.

We are sharing with you today the “behind-the-scenes” episode 8 part 1, filming the “In the Key of West” video.

This episode takes place on the beach of stunning “ The Moorings” in Islamorada. I wasn't present this morning as a few days before during filming, I had injured my lower back so had to stay put between each filming day to make sure I could direct the video until the end! I had to give directions to Olivier Févin our director of photography and to Ric to make sure we got the right sunrise shot at the right place. Since we had been filming for 12 hours in Key West the previous day, I could tell I was secretly happy to not be among the ones who had to be on the beach at 5.30 am-:)

It remains as of today a running joke between the 3 of us. 

The moorings are such a peaceful and beautiful treasure in the Keys! We are also honored to have had authorization to film there as much as the bloodline team did before us. What a treat…

We hope you enjoy this short episode!

Sending to each one of you beats and much love. xx Chris and Ric xx

If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


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Behind the scenes filming "In the key of West" Music video. episode 7: The Italian food company, key Largo, FL. 

Good afternoon, dear people!

We wanted to share the news with you all today: The video is now back from Nashville, where it was in post-production, and we are so happy with the result! We pray you 'll love it as much as we do.

It feels wonderful for us both after all that we have been through, including immigration setbacks, etc…to finally see it through with this project so dear to our hearts. 

“Little Angels” is our first official non-profit ever created. The more we work at it, the more we care for all these children we know this will help. It is so exciting!

There were a few moments when we thought we would never be able to do what we said we would do…as our path was sometimes filled with unwanted, unexpected chaos, which created each time: delays of any genre, such as financial hits, pain, etc...

But we guess you know that we are not the kind of “backing down” sort of people. No matter the challenges put before us, we love to do what we say we will. This project is about helping children have new hopes, education, and a better life. This became our fuel to overcome the numerous difficulties placed on our way. 

We started doing a few radio interviews. Our first one was with Hoebee and his amazing team “ The Hoebee in the Afternoon experiment” on Wail 99, “Rocking the Keys”. We had an absolute blast. We can now let you know that the song is now officially on rotation on this radio!

Yesterday we also were very generously invited by Dougie “In the afternoon” to talk about the project. We had a lot of fun with him as always when in his company. He also gave us the favor of playing the song which he loves! 

As we are now approaching the official video release date of February 28th, 2024, we would like to share with you the last 4 episodes of “Behind the Scenes”!

This episode takes place in the garden of the Italian food company in Key Largo where many have already seen us performing there. It is one of our favorite places in the Keys. We love all the team whether they are in Key Largo or Islamorada. Different places,  but the same wonderful and fun people serving excellent food (and wines!)…

We hope y'all enjoy this new episode. We will be performing tonight at the Moose Lodge, Key Largo where we hope to see many of you! Let's go and let's rock!


Sending beats and much love to y'all! 

Chris x and Ric x



If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


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Behind the scenes filming "In the key of West" Music video. episode 6 part 3: Duval Street, Key West, FL. 

Dear friends,

How are you all doing today?

A new episode of “Behind-the-scenes” is now available to watch! It was shot in Key West on 

Duval Street, within the walls of the biggest entertainment venue “ Durty Harrys”. 

We are so grateful to our dear and longtime friend, Fred Bushey, from “Durty Harry’s” and "Rick’s 

 bar" for having helped a great deal in organizing things wonderfully  (-bouncers included!) to ensure 

the filming was peaceful and undisturbed, which on a Saturday night in Duval  cannot be 

guaranteed; but we all got lucky, it was hard work but also so much fun! 

This experience of filming in Key West, will always be one of the most cherished memories of our 

life in the fabulous Florida Keys.

We are now counting the days until the video release, February 28th.

As promised until then, we will be sharing the few remaining “Behind-the-Scenes” episodes.

We hope you enjoy watching them as we have enjoyed making them for you all.



As always and if you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song :

One-click= one child gets help!




Thank you all very much for your love and continuous support. 

Much love and beats,

Chris x and Ric x




To follow us on social media:



In the key of West "Behind the scenes" day 6, part 2, Mallory Square, FL . 

 Hello, y'all beautiful souls!

We this email finds you well and happy.

We are happy to let you know the music video will be ready and out of post-production by the 

end of next week! Thank you for your patience. We appreciated it, all the way through. 

We have decided on the official release date: It will be February 28th: Ric's birthday!

Check it out down below this letter, the new episode of “Behind-the-scenes” is now available to 

watch! It was shot in Key West on Mallory Square. We had a blast filming the whole day in Key

 West. Filming outdoors and at night on a very busy Duval Street, wasn’t exactly the 

easiest thing to do , but with the help of many wonderful local friends, we made it! 

 February is a very busy month as we are starting interviews, radios, etc... To talk a bit more 

about our children's charity effort.  Until the video release date, we will be posting all the 

"Behind-the-scenes" episodes we have left to share with you all.

 We would, as always, appreciate it a lot if you please would be so kind as to share this charity 

project and effort with all your contacts.  


If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


Thank you all very much for your love and continuous support. 

Much love and beats,

Chris x and Ric x



To follow us on social media:



Behind the scenes filming "In the key of West" Music video. episode 6 part 1: Snappers boat scene 

Hi everyone!

We hope you are all doing well. 

Just came back from DC where we had an appointment at the French embassy to complete the last step of Ric's French citizenship. He passed the test (which wasn't easy!) with flying colors-:) I am very proud of him.

We will soon both be “Frenglimericans”! A great and precious privilege that we are utterly grateful for.

Now Washington DC, wow!  What a great city! The architecture is incredible too. We had some delicious food everywhere we went; also a few cocktails to celebrate our visit to this historical city. We were again blown away by the rich and fascinating history of the United States. We keep learning…

We stayed quite a while admiring the Abraham Lincoln memorial. Such an impressive building and statue. It also was the first time in our life to see the White House! We were like two kids. It was packed with snow and it looked beautiful. 

It was so different for us coming from the Keys where it was 78 F and landing in DC at 32 F...But we were wrapped up super warm and we walked A LOT which kept us warm too: our poor feet were brought back to the Keys full of blisters since we never walk as much here in the Keys.

Tonight and tomorrow we are excited to perform at "Snappers" starting both days at 6 pm. I take the occasion to share with you the latest episode of “behind-the-scenes” filming "in the Key of West" music video. This episode is about a boat scene we filmed at Snappers who kindly allowed us to do so. We are also grateful to our friend Chris Vasilenko who trusted us with filming on his boat. It was a fun scene to shoot.

We hope to see many of you tonight! Let's go and let's rock snappers together dear friends-:)!

In the meantime, we hope you enjoy this new episode; please as always, share and pass it along. If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!



Thank you all very much for always being wonderful with us. 

Much love and beats,

Chris x and Ric x


To follow us on social media:






In the key of West "Behind the scenes" day 5, part 3, Islamorada private charters, FL . 

Dear friends,

How are you all doing?

As we all already are one week into this New Year 2024 we are working hard behind closed doors to

prepare ahead for the release of the music video. It should be at the end of this current month of January;

we are in the final step of the post-production phase and are now dependent on the post-production

 technician's schedule to master the video.

Of course, we will keep you posted as soon as we will have the exact release date!

Besides our regular gigs, it looks like we already have a very busy schedule ahead of us, radios &

 Newspaper interviews, it's exciting! 

We decided to not yet give away some other incredible news. It has to do with music. All we

 can tell you today that it is wonderful news and we cannot wait to share it with you all very soon.


In the meantime, we have for you to see a few other “Behind the scenes" short episodes of filming “In the

Key of West” music video, in the hope that it will help you be patient until the video is released!


Today's episode was about our filming day with “ Islamorada private charters”, fantastic people, who do

 amazing sunset tours!

We would, as always, appreciate it a lot if you please would be so kind as to share this charity project and

effort with all your contacts.  Whether on your social media, or, by inviting people to subscribe to our

 website, it's free to do so!


If you haven't done it yet, please just click on the link below to buy the song:

One-click= one child gets help!


Thank you all very much for always being so amazing with us. 

Much love and beats,

Chris x and Ric x


To follow us on social media:




In the key of West "Behind the scenes" day 5, part 2, Indian Key, FL . 

Dear friends,

We hope you are all doing well!

As we are now wrapping up slowly, but surely, 2023 we wanted to wish you and your loved ones a Merry

Christmas and happy holidays.

A lot more is to come for us in the new Year and we cannot wait to share it all with you.

Until then and as always whilst waiting for the “In the Key of West” music video release we will keep sharing

 the rest of the episodes of “Behind the Scenes”!

Remember if you enjoy watching any of the “behind the scenes” episodes, please feel free to share them with your friends and family. Anytime this project is shared about, it helps us immensely with our children's charity efforts. In the meantime, please feel free to join our "little angels" family. If you have not done it already!

 Just click on the link below to buy the song:


We thank you all again for your indefectible support of our musical adventures and we wish you all to have

 a fantastic festive season!


Beats and much love xxx Chris and Ric


Don't forget that you can now follow us on the following social media: